Authentic user feedback at scale

Reverb makes it easy to gather and analyze video and audio feedback from your customers, users, and community

Reverb Survey

Hearing from your users isn't optional

Better executed surveys with rich responses lead to more insights and more engaged users.

Increased engagement
Actionable insights
Saved on calls

Get close to your customers

With Reverb, you can extract nuanced insights you'd never get from text-based forms and surveys

of customers mentioned cleanliness
"My table was left dirty- no employee offered to clean it.
"I dropped my food on an unwiped table so I couldn't eat it."
"The food was good but the cleanliness was sub-par. For example, the bathroom was not clean. I had to leave and go to another restaurant.

Seamless setup

Integrate with your favorite tools

Start ingesting new feedback into your existing tools to move faster with more ease.


Start using Reverb today

See how Reverb can bring you closer to your customers. Get started in under a minute.

We are hosting an AMA

June 30th, 2022 at 12:00pm PDT.

I am a tech founder who has seen product teams at Amazon and Y Combinator find tricks to learn more about what their customers want

Reverb Survey